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Showing 20 of 20

Traduire le site LEARN en français / Translate LEARN in french

Bonjour, étant donné que vous avez de nombreuses activités au Canada et au Québec, il serait pertinent d'offrir la traduction du site de Bentley Learn en français. Merci. As you have multiple activites in Quebec, it would be useful that you transl...
3 days ago in  0 Needs review

Request ILT Session

Right now if users are looking for a course that has no upcoming scheduled classes, there is literally nothing that happens. The same is true for learners in different geographies/time zones.This enhancement would give said learners the ability to...
5 days ago in  0 Needs review

Your videos: use an AI tool to index (summarize and timestamp)

You have an amazing wealth of content - very hard to consume. Long videos without timestamped topics are a high time cost to learn for a specific topic. AI tools can automate this for you - allowing your userbase to get Just Enough, Just In Time. ...
10 days ago in  1 Needs review

As a Learn Administrator i would like for users to receive an email when i enroll them

As a Learn Administrator i would like for users to receive an email when i enroll them, otherwise i have to mail them separately and it's a double work
4 months ago in  1 Needs review

Add Learning Plans in Whole to a Playlist

For customized playlist, it is often desired to add additional content to an existing learning plan that otherwise supplements the base topics of the existing plan. In these instances, it would be nice to be able to start a playlist by adding an e...
5 months ago in  0 Needs review

Allow Users to set their default playback speed

Playback speed is reset to 1.0 every time you open a new video. Alow users to set their own default playback speed so that they don't need to change the setting every time they open a new video.
2 months ago in  0 Needs review

Allow playlists to be published for everyone or select groups in an organization.

Currently, the playlist creator has to invite people specifically/individually. It would be very helpful to be able to publish playlists that people could choose from or be sent a link to to cover specific tasks/learning paths highlighted by the o...
3 months ago in  1 Needs review

Sync Groups from User Management to Learn Admin Groups

I would like to see the same groups from User Management under Subscription Services linked to the Learn Admin groups. If groups are manually created, other admins cannot see them.
4 months ago in  0 Needs review

Company specific training

It should be possible to pick modules from the existing learning paths and combine them to a company specific learning path that can be assigned to learners within the company. It was available in the old platform and gives the administrators poss...
4 months ago in  0 Needs review

Ability to unenroll individual users registered using register multiple users

I register all users for ORD training for GDOT and use the register multiple users option. However, if a user needs to unenroll, they have to do it. I cannot unenroll them and I do not see their unenrollment confirmation so I dont know if they act...
about 1 year ago in  0 Planned